Thursday, December 26, 2019

Sherlock Holmes By Sir Arthur Canon Doyle - 896 Words

Sherlock Holmes is a literary character, created by one of the most popular writers Sir Arthur Canon Doyle. Sherlock Holmes is the first and the only consulting detective in the fictional character. He has a partner named John Watson, who sometimes help Sherlock in different ways in solving the case and is doctor and Holmes’ personal assistant. Sherlock Holmes is an excellent detective because of his strengths such as knowledgeable on many esoteric subjects, the power of observation, and the power of deduction. Geeta S. Iyengar says, â€Å"Knowledge has a beginning but no end.† I agree with this quote because I do not think there is anyone in this world who has a knowledge of everything or is perfect. A person will always find a new idea that he or she is not familiar with in day to day life. We learn something new every day. It is really worth to strengthen your knowledge on more than one subject. Especially for the detectives because they will need an abundant knowledge on many subjects to solve the cases. Sherlock is intelligent, clever, and knowledgeable on many esoteric subjects. For example, Watson mentions Sherlock’s strengths on knowledge in A Study in Scarlet, â€Å"Politics, botany, geology, chemistry, anatomy, sensational literature, and British law† (26). Knowledge in those subjects always assists Sherlock in solving a case. Every person should continue to acquire knowledge because it may help them in the future. It is better to have extra knowledge than not having any inShow MoreRelatedThe Importance Of Literature1545 Words   |  7 PagesWhen one observes how the Sherlock Holmes canon affected lives, businesses, and pop culture, it becomes obvious how literature can change the world. Sherlock Holmes novels affected many lives, most significantly the life of the author, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. The well known novels gave Doyle riches and fame, but this rather unexpected result stupefied him because he did not care for writing the detective’s adventures. In the beginning of the process around the late 1880s, Doyle used the stories to fillRead MoreSir Arthur Conan Doyle. Conan1253 Words   |  6 PagesBritish literature, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle ranks highly amongst the most famous authors of all time. Mention his name, and most people will immediately think of one thing; Sir Arthur Conan Doyle equates to Sherlock Holmes. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle was certainly much more than his most famous creation, and away from his most famous creation, his life was full of interesting and strange facts and events. NAME It is common to see Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s name shortened to just Conan Doyle, Conan thoughRead MoreThe Method Of His Madness2668 Words   |  11 PagesMethod to His Madness In the detective canon of Sherlock Holmes, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle created the acclaimed prototype of the consulting detective. Holmes has modernized the detective story, and has certainly made his footprint on the genre. As evidenced by his long-lasting fame, public reaction and legacy, Sherlock Holmes revolutionized detective fiction through the staged application of the science of deduction. Through the simple fact that Sherlock Holmes is still so revered by literary scholarsRead MoreSherlock Holmes : The Elements Of Detective Fiction798 Words   |  4 PagesSherlock Holmes can be described in many words starting with mysterious or intelligent. Being born on May 22, 1859, in Edinburgh, United Kingdom, Doyle had various occupations, including physician, surgeon, and author. Although this may seem impossible, Arthur Conan Doyle wrote fifty-six short stories, most of them involving his most famous character, Sherlock Holmes. Inspiration for the famous detective came to Doyle while attending Edinburgh University in the late 1870s, where he met his teacherRead MoreSymbolism Of The Scarlet Letter By Nathaniel Hawthorne1956 Words   |  8 PagesAdventures of Sherlock Holmes, by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle has lasted through the years and still be prevalent today. This is achieved in the original books and continuing in spin offs and adaptations. Sherlock Holmes holds the Guinness World Record for â€Å"literary character most frequently portrayed on screen.† Over one hundred actors have played Holmes on screen. There are over two hundred and fifty movies, hundreds of episodes, and even plays based around Doyle’s writings with the first known Sherlock HolmesRead MoreMany Authors Can Write Beautiful Works, But Not Many Can1324 Words   |  6 Pagesa story that audiences around the country beg for a resurrection from the dead. Yet when Sir Arthur Conan Doyle killed history’s most famous detective, Sherlock Holmes, readers across England were so hooked on his addictive style that they demanded he find a way to raise the dead (Hodgkinson). Holmes remains to this day one of the most influential characters in the world of mystery, and Doyle perfected Holmes’ voice in the twenty years he wrote about him (Fall River Press 1). From 1891 to 1921, theRead MoreThe Social Class Structure Of Victorian England E ssay1817 Words   |  8 PagesAll throughout Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s prominent Sherlock Holmes fiction, there seems to be a lot of themes concerning the social class structure of Victorian England. I do not believe that Doyle’s true objective was to depict Holmes as upholding the traditional state of affairs of that time, as class inequality was a very prominent thing. Women were regularly thought of as having less intelligence than males and there was a seething, developing tension building up between the three categorizedRead MoreSherlock Holmes: A Marxist Deconstruction Essay example2110 Words   |  9 Pagespopular. In the canon of detective fiction worldwide, no detective has tickled the curious reader’s imagination and held it in thrall as much as Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes. The 221-B, Baker Street, London ‘amateur’ detective combines a rare blend of intellectual prowess and sharp wit to crack a series of baffling riddl es. The aim of this somewhat ambitiously titled paper is to use Marxist literary criticism to understand the literary merits of the Sherlock Holmes series, givenRead MoreHouse and Sherlock Holmes Essays756 Words   |  4 Pagesstated that the TV series House and the Sherlock Holmes stories are both connected in several ways. I agree that House and Holmes have similar characteristics; both House and Holmes are experts in their professions, they are given cases to solve that are too difficult for other investigators (doctors) to resolve, both House and Holmes are quick on their feet, a mindset to come to rapid conclusions after the briefest examination of the circumstances. House and Holmes are similar in many different waysRead MoreCultural Effect of Sherlock Holmes Essay1978 Words   |  8 PagesCultural Impact of Sherlock Holmes When someone mentions the occupation of detective, a single image usually comes to mind, a man wearing a cape and deerstalker, holding a magnifying glass and smoking a pipe. This entire image can be contributed to one character: Sherlock Holmes. Holmes is considered by many to be the greatest detective to ever exist, even if he only exists in the pages of books and on movie and television screens. It is impossible to escape the influence of Holmes. Countless references

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Arson Is The Criminal Act Of Intentionally Setting A Fire

The definition of arson is the criminal act of purposely setting a fire to property. To a crime scene investigator arson is one of the most difficult things to investigate for many different reasons. For starters a fire can take a long time to burn and before any sort of investigation can be done the fire as to be well and truly out without any chance of it starting back up again. Usually when someone commits the crime of arson the suspect has planned ahead and is gone before the fire is done burning so it becomes a challenge to try to determine who has done it. Another problem that many investigators have is that fire can cause extensive damage to the building that it is set in, which could be dangerous for anyone who goes in there if the building becomes unstable, and it can cause a lot of the forensic evidence to burn away. Along with trying to establish a suspect for the crime it is also hard for investigators to establish a motive because there could be many different reasons to why someone would commit arson. Like revenge, anger, and the few who just like to see things burn. The problem with arson however is that it is hard to determine whether or not the fire was really arson and purposely set or if the fire was accidental. A fire can be started many different ways and it has many accidental causes. That is what many investigators have to consider, all the factors of a fire or explosion. Fire investigators have a harder time trying to investigate a fire scene becauseShow MoreRelatedArson Crime Against Property Crimes1166 Words   |  5 PagesAbstract Arson was a crime at common law that prohibited the burning of someone else dwelling home and property that was nearby. The main purpose was to make sure homes would not get burned while occupied with people. In today’s society arson laws have extended and cover burning any type of property. CRIME AGAINST PROPERTY 2 Arson-Crime against Property Crimes against property include many shared crimes that consist of theft or destroying of another person’s property. TheseRead MoreTrial by Fire16438 Words   |  66 Pages[pic] Trial by Fire Did Texas execute an innocent man? by David Grann September 7, 2009 [pic] Cameron Todd Willingham in his cell on death row, in 1994. He insisted upon his innocence in the deaths of his children and refused an offer to plead guilty in return for a life sentence. Photograph by Ken Light. Related Links Audio: Grann on the Texas execution that may change the death penalty debate. Video: David Grann discusses the flaws of the Cameron Todd WillinghamRead MoreTrial by Fire16445 Words   |  66 Pages[pic] Trial by Fire Did Texas execute an innocent man? by David Grann September 7, 2009 [pic] Cameron Todd Willingham in his cell on death row, in 1994. He insisted upon his innocence in the deaths of his children and refused an offer to plead guilty in return for a life sentence. Photograph by Ken Light. Related Links Audio: Grann on the Texas execution that may change the death penalty debate. Video: David Grann discusses the flaws of the Cameron Todd Willingham investigationRead MoreThe Death Penalty : Lethal Injection, Lethal Gas, Firing Squad, And Hanging Essay2126 Words   |  9 Pagescircular white cloth as the target. Five shooters are standing 20 feet away from the inmate and they are armed with .30 caliber rifles. Each shooter aims their rifle at the cloth and fires. The prisoner dies due to blood loss of the rupture of the heart, but if the shooter missing the heart on accident or intentionally the prisoner bleeds to death slowly. This is an extremely inhumane way to punish a prisoner, but this usually happens in the military it only happen once since the inmate had requestedRead MoreFrauds in Insurance11958 Words   |  48 PagesPeople have to be very cautious while taking an insurance policy. Insurance is a federal subject in India. It is a subject matter of solicitation. The legislations that deal with insurance business in India are Insurance Act, 1938 and Insurance Regulatory amp; Development Authority Act (IRDA), 1999. The hypothesis is that THIS PROJECT SCANS THE RISKY NATURE OF INSURANCE WITH REFERENCE TO VARIOUS TYPES OF TRANSACTIONS AND THEIR VULNERABILITY TO FRAUD. CONCEPT OF INSURANCE Insurance, in law and economicsRead MoreCase Studies11079 Words   |  45 Pages= 2.31 + 0.22 x 5 = 2.31 + 1.1 = 3.41 = 3 nos. CASE – 2 a. Do any of the following parties have an insurable interest in the business at the time of the fire? Ben Carmine National Bank Yes. Carmine have an insurable interested in the business at the time of the fire because he was the real owner at the time of the fire. But he converted a one-car repair bay into a short-order restaurant. When Carmine applied for property insurance on the business, he did not tell the insurance companyRead MoreUnit 4222-208 (Hsc 027) Essay12711 Words   |  51 Pagesin the work setting. 1. Identify legislation relating to general health and safety in a health or social care work setting. The European Parliament issues Directives on all legislation, including Health amp; Safety. 1989 saw six Health amp; Safety Directives issued. They had to be applied as law by each of the Member countries. By authority given to the Secretary of Sate these Directives became Regulations enforceable from January 1st 1993. The Health amp; Safety at Work etc Act is the Ê ºparentÊ ºRead MoreCommercial Liens - a Potent Weapon Essay32374 Words   |  130 PagesDefinition †¢ Different Types of Liens †¢ Comparisons †¢ Liens vs. Levies Chapter 4 †¢ Procedure and Implementation †¢ Research †¢ Notice and Demand †¢ Notice of Default †¢ Commercial Lien †¢ Lawsuits and Criminal Complaints Chapter 5 †¢ Mistakes and Pitfalls to Avoid †¢ Defective Legal Form and Procedure †¢ Hanson-type or Nebulous Liens †¢ Aiming Too High †¢ Beware of Exotic Arguments Chapter 6 †¢ ObstaclesRead MoreBusiness Law I Summary34667 Words   |  139 Pagesdeveloped to deal with the complaints of individuals against the decisions of the administering agency. 3. Criminal law * Private law is primarily concerned with the right and duties of individuals towards each other. * Criminal and civil law * Criminal law is concerned with forbidding certain forms of wrongful conduct and punishing those who engage in the prohibited acts. * Civil law deals with the private rights and obligations which arises between individuals. * Common lawRead MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words   |  1573 Pages Organizational Behavior This page intentionally left blank Organizational Behavior EDITION 15 Stephen P. Robbins —San Diego State University Timothy A. Judge —University of Notre Dame i3iEi35Bj! Boston Columbus Indianapolis New York San Francisco Upper Saddle River Amsterdam Cape Town Dubai London Madrid Milan Munich Paris Montreal Toronto Delhi Mexico City Sao Paulo Sydney Hong Kong Seoul Singapore Taipei Tokyo Editorial Director: Sally Yagan Director of Editorial Services:

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Analysis Of The Reasons Why Social Networks More Persuasive - Samples

Question: Analysis Of The Reasons Why Social Networks More Persuasive Than Traditional Word-Of-Mouth. Answer: Brief Statement of the problem As far as consumer behaviour is concerned, it can be said that the traditional word of mouth is essentially capable of driving consumers to commercial centres and is considered to be very persuasive form of correspondence. However, the transformation of the predominant print culture into the computerized community of the 21st century is said to have affected the scheme of word of mouth by particularly the electronic scheme of word of mouth (Kotler, 2015). The study hereby identifies the issue of recognizing the intensity and nature of effect of traditional WOM and social networking (electronic word of mouth) on purchase decisions of consumers. Research aim and objectives The present study intends to comprehend the way social network in comparison to traditional word of mouth can exert greater influence on the purchase decision of various customers. In addition to this, the recognized problem of the study also includes examination of whether social network recommendations are dependable than word of mouth (Keller Kotler, 2016). The objective of the current project is To examine overall consistency of the recommendations made by word of mouth as well as social networking To carry out comparative examination of the effect of word of mouth and social networking Brief Methodology To respond to the characterized examination inquest and to arrive at the detailed point of the current study, necessary information was required. For the purpose of present research, the learner intends to undertake a deductive research approach that can linked to hypothesis formulation based on already existing notions and a developments of strategy for scrutiny of the given hypothesis. The learner intends to undertake blended strategies approach by implementing quantitative technique and subjective examination later. Therefore, the learner intends to undertake mixed research methodology where both quantitative along with qualitative methods of investigation can be used for drawing closer information (Sheth Sisodia, 2015). Essentially this can help in collecting and analysing both quantitative as well as qualitative data, combine two different forms in diverse ways, and provide priority to both types of data. For the present study, the learner has the intention to gather primary al ong with secondary data. In actual fact, the learner intends to acquire the primary data that is the first hand data through questionnaire that are distributed via mail. In this case, the investigator will prepare a list of pertinent questions in the questionnaire to the nature of issues under investigation. Again, the learner has the intention to collect the secondary data from the lately published journals, websites, various case studies, journals and articles and pronounced government reports among many others Sheth Sisodia, 2015). In addition to this, it can be hereby mentioned that the learner proposes to analyse the quantitative data using statistical methods (both inferential and descriptive statistics). However, the qualitative data using thematic analysis, case study analysis and review of prior literature. Identification of the secondary data Secondary data that the learner proposes to use can be collected from journals, reports, government records, news papers and magazines and official websites on the particular subject matter under consideration. There are varieties of published reports on the topic that analyses effect of social networking and traditional word of mouth scheme as methods of marketing. These reports can be analysed to bring various facts and evidences into light (Weinstein Pohlman, 2015). In addition to this, books are also available for studying the current topic that is chosen for research. Again, journals as well as periodicals have also become important source as far collection of secondary data is concerned. Also, magazines as well as newspapers can also prove to be effective sources of information for undertaking research on the selected topic. References Keller, K. L., Kotler, P. (2016).Marketing management. Pearson. Kotler, P. (2015).Framework for marketing management. Pearson Education India. Sheth, J. N., Sisodia, R. S. (2015).Does marketing need reform?: Fresh perspectives on the future. Routledge. Weinstein, A., Pohlman, R. A. (2015). Customer value: a new paradigm for marketing management. InProceedings of the 1997 Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) Annual Conference(pp. 132-133). Springer, Cham.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Why are you interested in Azusa Pacific University an Example by

Why are you interested in Azusa Pacific University? In this essay, an attempt will be made to justify my desire to take admission in Azusa Pacific University. Being a Christian and interested in Christian theology and other aspects of Christianity, I always wanted to enter into an educational institution which provides greater prominence to the teaching of Christianity. My friend informed me regarding this University and subsequent discussion with my other colleagues has proved that I would benefit by obtaining admission in Azusa Pacific University. By attending this Christian college, I can improve my knowledge concerning Christianity and this would strengthen my faith. Need essay sample on "Why are you interested in Azusa Pacific University?" topic? We will write a custom essay sample specifically for you Proceed Our Customers Often Tell Us: I need to ask a good online coursework writing service for help. Essay writers recommend: Choose The Qualified Help In Writing Papers This is a private Christian University which is located in Azusa, California. It caters to the educational needs of those Americans who wish to learn the various aspects of Christianity such as origin and development of Christianity and Christian theology. Before becoming University in 1980s this college was differently called the Training School for Christian Workers, Pacific Bible College, and Azusa College. These names indicate the motto of the university that God is first. This implies that this college gives greatest importance to understanding the concept of God. This college is accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges. It is interesting to note that this college consists of more than 1000 faculty members which indicate that they would be able to give individual attention to the students who study in this college. Even today this educational institution can be considered as an important evangelical institution. The main aim of this college is to discuss the principal philosophy and tenets of Christianity. The famous personalities like actor Austin OBrien was the product of this university. (Wikipedia) The President of Azusa Pacific University has reaffirmed the faith in the God first motto. In fact, due to the adherence to this philosophy the University has been able to attract large number of the Christians and other people interested in learning the aspects concerning Christianity. Azusa Pacific University is guided by the values such as: Christ, transformational scholarship, life-giving community, and sacrificial service. It is important to note that Christ is the center of all the academic courses and programs initiated by this educational institution. It also educates the community concerning the ethical values that was preached and professed by Christ and many other scholars of Christianity. These values have inspired number of scholars to become the part of Azusa College and they have benefited by learning and teaching in this institution. However, this college also caters to the changing needs of the modern time by using the latest technology and by providing education in the latest developments in the field of Christianity. This has not only improved the students knowledge of Christianity but also this has also helped the students to become professionals. The students have been able to obtain employment in the prestigious institutions. This has proved the academic quality of this institution. Notable achievement of Azusa College is that it has been honored in the TIME magazine and US News & World Report. This shows that the achievements of this university have been noticed by the leading magazines and agencies. These details prove that the University is guided by the evangelical Christian world view and the teachers of this college have attempted to prove their commit ment to the Christian values. ( The above details show that this is the best institution for the people who would like to study Christianity and the various aspects related to Christianity. By obtaining admission in this institution, I would like to improve my knowledge pertaining to the values propounded by Christianity. Bibliography Azusa Pacific University, Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Message from the President, Azusa Pacific University